Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mimi, what is instant housing?

How will we live in the future? What shall homes of the future provide or rather what can they provide and will society and its usage of technology influence our living styles? - of course one could answer: just think about how radio, TV and (of course) the internet changed habits of daily life. Hmm but wasn't it rather humans who decided for accepting to let these technolgies into their lives and finally adopting themselves to a new situation. I see fun-, emotion-, and fear-driven decision-making processes.. but isn't there something else: something I want to summarize as how do we want to see ourselves, how transparent do we want to live and how we want to be perceived by others (which all again is probably rooted in the modern need of being entertained, of deciding out of love or out of fear). Many of us accept changes or restrictions (or even decide for it) in our daily lives when it comes along with feelings of pride and status in society. Being judged for having one of the lowest status within our society homeless people live on the edge of acceptance and abandoned pride.
Winnfried Baumann developed an idea of instant housing that helps us to understand this concept of abandoned pride a bit better and to accept and integrate - those to us - strange living habits into our social society. Check it out: Instant Housing (unfortunately in german), but I also found this entry on it in english.


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