Friday, September 01, 2006

Entry 4228

The name of the entry was 4228. Miss Aurelie opened the door and with her not only the exaggerated odor of sweet roses but also the taste of another, a mysterious world that was formed by seducing embodiments of byrocracy, infinite freedom and money wafted into our, the waiters, direction.
Families never seen together, suddenly stood in one row, head down and tense cramped from the feeling of silent begging which fulfilled the surrounding air deeper and deeper with time of wellowing. Or rather the feeling grew with you while sitting among them, among the waiters. waiting to walk through the entry of 4228. The whole waiting process made me realize how little I still understood about the things I was going to do here, even though I knew why - but confused and locked in the space in front of 4228 I couldn't focus my mind.
My number in the waiting line was A57. 40 numbers in front of me and I knew I was about to be tested again, to proof that, despite all the pain, this is what I wanted. And it was still 4228, rolling alongside the wall, intermediately hidden, reappearing again - from right to left. 4 2 2 8. Right to Left.
Suddenly I felt cold. My wet clothes stuck to my body and not just me but the whole room felt like a sunken ship salvaged few moments ago from the deep ocean's grounds. On my way to 4228 I had met the spanish woman who picked me up, me who was helplessly stranded in the sheer endless muds of heavy rainfall. The spanish woman knew about entry 4228. She had been there before.. and obviously made it through, I thought by myself. Cold. And still 4228. From right to Left. And suddenly jingling of keys. 10, 20, 50 more keys on a key chain. The guy in front of me proudly moved them from one side to the other. Does he hope that this ridiculous amount of keys will open the door for him? I thought and watched him with despite. Before I could fully penetrate the mood of grouchyness, I remembered that I was already here, here in front of 4228. Here, everything was possible and everybody was here. Blue-white-checkered shirts, german sneakers, key chains, children with golden jewelry, grown-ups with dirt between their toes. Hmm german sneakers, Deutschland was written in bright white letters on the black leather. In Deutschland there was no entry to 4228, at least not for me. And still, happiness was far from reality. And then the man in the heavy black rain suit was allowed to enter. He smiled, but it seemed more occasionally, as if it was the most common thing to do - smile and enter (and wearing a black rain suit). Maybe that's the solution, I thought. I thought and smiled. A57!, Miss Aurelie's dark voice echoed through the space. And so I entered, with a smile.


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